Event Photos

Below are some photos and movie clips from FETTU exhibits from around the world.
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Mehr Astronomical Society (MAS), Ghotb-o-din Observatory, National garden of Shiraz, Abgineh Exhibition, Iran
This exhibition was from 4 May until 10 May in Art Exhibition gallery and from 11 May until 17 May in Abgineh Exhibition gallery.

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Bay Area, California
Braille Exhibit at the Tech Museum, San Jose, CA

Dublin, California
March 14-15 2009, St. Patrick's Day Festival

Kelseyville, CA
The Kelseyville Pear Festival was held on September 26, 2009
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We did two traveling exhibitions plus a very large (platinum) FETTU exhibition in the Tivoli Park in Ljubljana. This exhibition first ran from June 17th until Sep 4th 2009. It contained 120 pictures (at 180x120 cm). We had an opening of the exhibition attended by the president of Slovenia and minister for higher education, science and technology (http://www.mvzt.gov.si/nc/en/splosno/cns/news/article/12023/6166/). We also had a big public event on Aug 28th 2009 combining the guided tour of the exhibition with public observations of Jupiter and Moon with more than 30 telescopes. There were between 5.000-10.000 visitors. Even the president of Slovenia came to this event and had a first look through the telescope. Due to overwhelming public interest, the FETTU exhibition in the Tivoli park was repeated at the end of IYA2009 from Nov 26th 2009 till Feb 16th 2010 (http://www.mvzt.gov.si/nc/en/splosno/cns/news/article/12023/6443/). It was aimed at school groups who could not see the exhibition in summer due to summer holidays, but also for everyone else—it was a nice decoration of pre-New Year and winter Ljubljana. On this occasion we prepared learning material for school children to fill out when they visit the exhibition (some astronomy questions related to exhibited images). We also published a catalogue of the exhibition (including all photos and captions in slovenian and english language) and distributed it to all Slovenian schools, libraries and astronomy lovers. Altogether, summer and winter FETTU exhibition in Tivoli park was on display for about 5 months. After the end of it, the photos were given to several schools, Arboretum Volčji potok, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, and Astronomical and geophysical observatory Golovec for permanent display. The traveling exhibitions are still going on—2 sets of 20 photos touring from January 2009 until (at least) June 2010 and will visit more than 100 different locations. The estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity (rough estimate) altogether, traveling plus Tivoli exhibition: more than 100.000 people, maybe even 200.000. -- Andreja Gomboc and Bojan Kambič (Organizers)
To read more about FETTU in Slovenia, go to the local website.
The Traveling Exhibit (Jan 2009-June 2010)

FETTU on Trains
Ten trains decorated with astronomy themed panels will travel across Slovenia from June to December 2009. This joint initiative of RailAd and the Slovenia IYA2009 National Node will publicise IYA2009.

FETTU in Park Tivoli (First exhibit: 17 June-04 Sep 2009)

Additional images from Park Tivoli

Photos: Aleš Arnšek
We had a big event on Aug 28th combining the guided tour of the exhibition with public observations of Jupiter and Moon with more than 30 telescopes. You can see additional photos here. There were between 5.000-10.000 visitors. Even the president of Slovenia came to this event and had a (first, I think) look through a telescope. -- Andreja Gomboc

FETTU in Park Tivoli (Second Exhibit: 26 Nov 2009-16 Feb 2010)
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Shanghai, China
A traveling exhibit for local universities and science museums such as Tongji Uni and Shanghai Science Museum. The travel exhibition at the local university campus lasted from 26 May -13 June.

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Seville, Spain
This FETTU is at the Casa de la Ciencia (Science House), belonging to the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). This historic building was cosntructed in 1929 to serve as headquarters for the representation of the Republic of Peru in the International Exhibition of 1929. Displaying 56 FETTU images plus 2 additional non-FETTU Calar Alto Observatory images, in a total of 40 panels, 2 m x 1 m, back-iluminated with LEDs, it is free and open to the public.

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Geneva, Switzerland
Photos taken at the FETTU exhibit organized on the lakeshore in Geneva from July 6 to August 2. It is a very touristy period and we expect the exhibition to be seen by thousands of people!

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Biel, Switzerland
FETTU occurred at the Deutsches Gymnasium Biel, a department of Seeland Gymnasium Biel in Switzerland. The pictures were used for an exhibition in the hall of our school that was visited by students and the public. The exposition was accompanied by a lecture of Prof. Schildknecht of the Astronomical Institute, University of Berne. This institute also organised a public event at our school at April 4 into which our exposition was integrated.

Photos: Werner Schöchlin
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Tehran, Iran
An IYA seminar was held in Amir Kabir University of Technology. The seminar included astronomy presentations, an Introduction to Astronomy, sky observations and "From Earth to the Universe" photo gallery. One of the most interesting parts of this seminar was "From Earth to the Universe" photo gallery in which 25 photos of this collection were selected. After this seminar the gallery remained in the faculty of physics of Amir Kabir University of Technology for one week and was visited by students, faculty members and other guests. This program was administered by Association of Science of Physics Astronomy group.

Photos: Fatemeh Hashemi Niari
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Lisbon Portugal, Oceans Festival 2009.
Our event started Saturday, August 1st, and the FETTU exhibition is a success; We have 2000 visits per day!! This exhibition will stay in Lisbon until 15th of August.

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Santa Cruz, Bolivia
We are glad to inform you that our Santa Cruz FETTU exhibition is successfully running from today till August 14th. News about the exhibit is in the first page of our main newspaper.

The following images are from the first day of the exhibition.

Santa Cruz FETTU has been very successful, Lot of people and pupils of several schools are visiting FETTU! It is something new in Santa Cruz. Special thanks to the "Sociedad de Estudios Geográficos e Históricos". This society generously bring us their rooms to develop FETTU and the "Honorable Alcaldia Municipal de Santa Cruz" that bring us the permission to develop FETTU in "apple one" place. Despite there are no planetariums nor observatories in this big city (Santa Cruz has about 2.000.000 inhabitants), the people were very interested and wanted to know about Astronomy, about the pictures, about our organization. We are glad that From Earth to the Universe organization bring us this unique opportunity to show these beautiful images. This encourages us to go on with our dreams like to have a planetary and observatory in Santa Cruz. Click here for additional photos.

Outdoor photos from "Apple One" place

San Lorenzo School, Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Kids drawings based on FETTU exhibits.

Montero, Bolivia
This is the best building at Montero City. It belongs to the industry of sugar cane, that kindly give the Montero school permission to host the exhibition. Members of ASTROCUZ went to Montero city to explain the photos to the pupils interested in astronomy, then they will explain to the visitors. Next Monday it will be open to the others schools and the people in general. More at http://www.ta-dip.de/191,0,f-e-t-t-u-in-santa-cruz-bolivia,index,0.html

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FETTU in Surat, India by SVNIT
The inaugural function of FETTU was held at the time when it was the period of Total Solar Eclipse 2009. All the people and Authorities were deeply involved in various activities related to astronomy. There was a huge publicity going on for this fabulous science. During that time Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC), Collector office and Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SGCCI) organized seminar on "Total Solar Eclipse". The exhibition was inaugurated by Commissioner of Surat Municipal Corporation(SMC)-Miss. S. Aparna at seminar hall of Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry(SGCCI) on 17th July. The next inauguration held at SVNIT itself. It was inaugurated by Dr. Brijmohan Thakore, Reader, S.P.University, V.V Nagar, Gujarat. He along with my lecturer and many school students cut the ribbon and started the exhibition. The date was 20th July, 2009. After this, the exhibition was sent to Gandhinagar(Capital of Gujarat) to exhibit. --Charitarth Vyas

We organized the FETTU exhibit a college named IET, Kamarej,Surat on 5th October, 2009. The Director and President of IET with the Vice Chancellor of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU) as a chief guest open the exhibition officially. They liked it very much and impressed with beautiful colors of universe. Afterwards, the exhibition was kept open for the college students. The president gave one picture to the Vice Chancellor as a memento so that he can remember the IYA and Astronomy as whole. All in all, it was true awareness and it has open up new doors for the future exhibitions and other astronomical awareness projects. --Charitarth Vyas

It was indeed a big audience for the exhibition we had during 11-13th October in L. D. high school near Surat city. We personally couldn't attend the event but the report was fabulous. Approximately 3000 students from this school as well as other nearby schools attended this exhibition. A trustee of this school, Mr. Dinkarbhai Nayak, inaugurated and three days celebration started. The response and support from students and staff members were very good. Below is the thank you note from the Principal of the school. --Charitarth Vyas

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Skyway '09 Festival, Torun, Poland
The whole event was a huge success! We had thousands of people visiting the festival and the exhibition, commenting on how beautiful it is. The official website of Skyway with plenty of information is available here: http://www.skyway09.eu/. The exhibit was presented in our on-line day-after-day program and was marked yellow, among highlights of each day: http://www.skyway09.eu/dzien-po-dniu.html

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Wehr Nature Center Visitor Center, Milwaukee, WI
FETTU was part of our Astronomy Day Fair held on Aug. 23. We also had a large display of the history of telescopes from Galileo to Hubble and we gave away a telescope to one of the children who attended the Fair. We're keeping the display up as long as possible. Wehr Astronomical Society, the Northern Cross Science Foundation, Milwaukee County Parks Department, and our Friends of Wehr joined forces to make it all happen.

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Reykjavik, Iceland
From Earth to the Universe exhibit in Reykjavík Iceland in front of Hallgrímskirkja church and the statue of Leifur Eiríksson. The exhibit was held to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy. Twenty six beautiful astronomical images are on display. The exhibit was opened on Saturday August 22nd, on Reykjavík Culture Night. It's estimated that about ten thousand people looked at the images on that particular day. The exhibit will be on display for about a month, ending in late September. The exhibit was featured in the ten o'clock news on the main news network. There have also been pictures of it in all of the Icelandic newspapers.

Photos: Gunnlaugur Björnsson, professor of astrophysics at the University of Iceland
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Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil
First photos about our exhibition in the shopping mall.

Photos of our display at the 22 Technology Event in the Salesiano College, on November 26 and November 27, 2009.

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We completed the tour for the 18 main cities of the Uruguay (between 30-100,000 people). We installed the Planetario Móvil Digital Kappa Crucis in the public squares and the FETTU exhibition in digital format and FETTU printed images with illuminated backlight. More than 45 thousand people participated in the planetarium sessions and many more people saw the FETTU exhibition. The attending public was mostly children and youths. The FETTU images were surprising and a great motivation for them. More at www.kappacrucis.com.uy.





Fray Bentos





At Montevideo we met with enthusiasm the Mayor of the city Dr. Ricardo Ehrlich (a scientist) and a beatiful open place was offered to us (Open Sky Photogallery). The staff of the Center of Photography (CMDF) worked with dedication and the result is a successful exposition. The three last panels are from local photographers. There is an electronic version at www.montevideo.gub.uy/fotografia/salas/acieloabierto/astronomia/astronomia.html





San José

Treinta y Tres



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Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran
A selection of astronomical images of "From Earth To The Universe" IYA project and Iranian astro-photographers, have been exhibited in the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran from September 27-30, 2009. Astronomical Society of Iran with the cooperation of Sky Peace non-profit NGO staged From Earth To The Universe (FETTU) exhibition of astronomical photos in the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iranian Parliament is the national legislative body of Iran. The Parliament currently has 290 representatives. Astronomical Society of Iran is a non-beneficiary institute which has been established for the purpose of increase and improving the astronomy of the country. ASI is Iran National Node in International Year of Astronomy 2009. Sky Peace Non-Profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is an Iranian astronomical club aimed to promote peace and science. Sky Peace is the main organizer of StarPeace IYA 2009 special global project.
The exhibit was inaugurated in the presence of Ali Larijani, chairman of Iranian Parliament, members of the Parliament and Iranian professional astronomers. Dr. Sadollah Nassiri Gheydari, professional astronomer, member of strategic council of Iranian National Observatory (INO) and member of education committee in Iranian Parliament, was the one who suggested an astronomy photo exhibition in Iranian Parliament. "I intended to bring astronomy among members of the Parliament and let them see the glory and beauty of the heavens" he said.

Photos: Irene Shivaei and Siavash Safarian
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Planetarium in Beijing, China

Photos: Curtis Wong
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