Event Photos

Below are some photos and movie clips from FETTU exhibits from around the world.
Check out our Flickr page!
University of Tehran, Iran
This exhibition was hold by Astronomy group which was opend by University of Tehran's students! I was the secretary of that group. It was the first time that University of Tehran has had this exhibition. We borrowed these photos from Astronomical Society of Iran. The exhibit took place from February 19-23, 2011. In just 5 days, around 1000 people have visited the exhibition. -- S. Fatemeh Jafarian

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Museum of Natural Sciences, Verona, Italy
We have already printed 25 photos of FETTU and Friday 16 March we inaugurated the photographic exhibition at the Museum of Natural Sciences of Verona (Italy). In just three days already 3,500 people have visited the exhibition. The exhibition will be available to the public until 30 June. -- Alessio Scaboro

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Space Place, University of Wisconsin, Madison

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Tanglewood on Parade Festival 2011
From Earth to the Universe collaborated with "Music and Astronomy Under the Stars," a program by Don Lubowich from Hofstra University, which organizes astronomy exhibits at music festivals and events. FETTU was exhibited at the Tanglewood on Parade festival in Massachusetts in early August in 2011.

Photos: Dillon Foight
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Newport Folk Festival 2011
From Earth to the Universe was part of the 2011 Newport Folk Festival in collaboration with Music and Astronomy Under the Stars, a NASA-funded program at public parks that accompanies music performances.

Photos: Peter Edmonds (CXC)
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National Federation of the Blind Youth Slam
The International Year of Astronomy continues to reach new audiences! Photographs from the "From Earth to the Universe" (FETTU) gallery were viewed by people all over the world in a variety of venues. A tactile version of the FETTU exhibit, based on the book Touch the Invisible Sky by Grice, Steel and Daou, was also created so people could explore the multi-wavelength universe non-visually, by touch.
On July 20, 2011 the tactile FETTU exhibition opened at the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. The images were examined by students attending the National Federation of the Blind Youth Slam—an innovative STEM enrichment program for high school students who are blind or have low vision. Noreen Grice was a course instructor for the Youth Slam Space Track and was on-site at the exhibition debut. She verbally described the color images as students explored the tactile counterparts by touch. The tactile FETTU exhibition will now be on permanent display at the National Federation of the Blind and will continue to excite a new generation of science enthusiasts.

Photos: Noreen Grice
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2011 World Science Festival, New York, NY
FETTU joined the 2011 World Science Festival Street Fair. It was a great day full of engaging activities, interactive science experiences, and lively fun for the festival goers who were in attendance. About 175,000 people came to Washington Square Park to enjoy and learn about science.

Photo Credits: NYSkies Astronomy Inc, 2011 June 5.
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Hang Tuah Jaya, Melaka, Malaysia
"From Earth to the Universe" exhibit was launched in November 2010 at the Planetarium Melaka Sdn Bhd, Kompleks MITC.

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Elon University, Elon, NC
"From Earth to the Universe" traveling exhibit is on display at Elon University in the Academic Village. It was first introduced at College Coffee on November 2. It will be on display until November 22. Read more or view a video about the exhibit at Elon University.
I can't tell you how overwhelmingly positive the reaction to the exhibit has been, from faculty, staff, students, and the community at large. It really has been tremendous. -- Dan Evans

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Telus World of Science, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The following organizations made use of the videos created for the FETTU Victoria exhibit: Telus Science Centre in Calgary, Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST), RASC Kingston, RASC Vancouver, University of Toronto, University of Calgary, University of Victoria (custom disks with their announcements and FETTU images). Below are images from the Telus World of Science. -- Natasha van Bentum, CFRE, FRSA (Advisor, Outreach)

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Smithsonian Folklife Festival
The 2010 Smithsonian Folklife Festival wrapped up July 5 on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The "From Earth to the Universe" project fit squarely into the goals of the "Mysteries of the Universe" theme. Therefore, it was very exciting for us to have a presence during this giant event. -- Megan Watzke, CXC

Photo Credit: Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage: Smithsonian Institution.
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World Science Festival, NYC, NY
The 2010 World Science Festival came to a climatic end with its Street Fair. This is the third year for this ambitious science festival that seems to take over Manhattan for several days. This year's Street Fair spilled out from Washington Square Park into the streets around it. Like last year, the Street Fair showcased Chandra images as part of the "From Earth to the Universe" project. The FETTU panels were arranged around the fountain in the middle of the park, providing a nice route for people to circle. The mood of the festival's attendees was excited and upbeat —which is saying something on a very hot and humid day in New York City.

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Burgess Hill Primary Schools, Burgess Hill, England
You can tell from the kids faces that it is doing its job in terms of 'awe and wonder' (and it continues to do so, as the images have been seen by 2000+ children during their tour of the local primary schools and are now part of a legacy of resources available to all teachers in the locality...)
Many thanks to all at FETTU for allowing us to be involved with this wonderful project. -- Karen Ashworth

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Stockholm (and surrounding areas), Sweden
Our exhibition "Utblick-tillbakablick" (something like "Outlook-looking back") follows Galileo Galilei's discoveries and drawings with modern images and extends further and further out (and longer and longer back in time) through cosmos to the very limits of our visible Universe. The images are 1.7 x 1 m plus a column with very little text, poetic rather than scientific, and then more information on all images can be viewed on the 10th and last poster. Some images were kindly provided by FETTU (recognized on the 10th screen).
The exhibition has been a success, and started outdoor in central Stockholm, at that time with "terrorist-safe" feet. Then it has been touring mainly indoor, 3 - 4 weeks at each place, the Stockholm Concert Hall (Berwaldhallen), Stockholm University, Örebro University, Jönköping College Library, The science centre "Kreativum" in Karlshamn, The town of Kalmar at the inauguration of the "Linné University". And it is now in the check-in hall of Mamö Airport, and the tour will continue...
Thousands of people have seen it by now, and the feedback is very positive. The following images are from: Kungsträdgården, Kreativum, and Malmö Airport. -- Gösta Gahm

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Novi Sad
FETTU was also displayed in Novi Sad, second biggest town in the Republic of Serbia. We had two short-term exhibitions, displaying images as part of the recent events that had been held in Novi Sad during May, 2010. The first exhibition was exhibited as part of the Night of Museums event that was held on the 15th of May, 2010. The organisation of the exhibition was helped by Astronomical Society Novi Sad (ADNOS) and Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad. During eight-hour long exhibition we had around 2 500 visitors, who showed an immense interest for the images, patiently queuing outside the building despite the rain and bad weather.

The second exhibition lasted for two days and it happened at the Science Festival in Novi Sad, on the 22nd and 23th of May, 2010. This time, venue was the hall of Faculty of Technical Sciences, that is located in the Campus of University of Novi Sad. Images were displayed along the stairways, which led to the Mobile Planetarium at the second floor of the building. During two days around 1, 200 visitors came to see the images. The exhibition was supported by Astronomical Society Novi Sad (ADNOS) and Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad. -- Tijana Prodanovic and Ivana Horvat, FETTU Coordinators for Novi Sad

In town Valjevo, 100 km south-west from Belgrade, capital of Serbia, the Serbian National organizing Committee for IYA2009 Legacy together with the Research Society "Vladimir Mandic Manda", presented 30 beautiful astronomical pictures from the exhibition "From Earth to the Universe". The exhibition was open from March 23rd to 30th 2010, it was held in the Cultural Center of Valjevo, and seen by approximately 500 visitors.

Below are photos from the first exhibition at the Education fair (27-31 October 2009), where we presented 30 panels and thousands of people have seen it. It was very nice and we plan to present the same panels on the Science Festival in Belgrade, for the first week of December, as well as in Novi Sad (the next big city in Serbia) later in January. -- Dragana Ilic

We have successfully presented FETTU (30 panels and one giant Earth) at the Science Festival in Belgrade, from the 4-6 December 2009. -- Dragana Ilic

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Manora Peak, Nainital, India
National Science Day was celebrated in ARIES on 22nd March 2010. The celebrations were organized by the ARIES Science Popularization and Outreach Program (AsciPOP). Nine schools attended. We organized a movie, a general talk and quiz for the participants. St. Mary, Nainital won the first prize in quiz competition.

An educational tour with FETTU images.

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U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL
FETTU is being exhibited at the Space and Rocket Center in the month of April. Stands are set up outside on the sidewalk leading to the IMAX theater. Additionally, there are about 10 images inside the museum on the hallway to the IMAX theater. The exhibit is being promoted with a photo in the Marshall Star this week and will have a web feature about the exhibit on the Marshall newsroom with a link to the Space and Rocket Center.

Photos: David Higginbotham, NASA Marshall
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E. E. Hugo Miele School, Presidente Prudente/SP, Brazil
In the same day that occurs the "Paisagens Cósmica" exposure, the students had the opportunity to observe, some for the first time, the sky with a telescope and a telescope of pvc. The last photo is what the most people never saw before: the galilean moons and Júpiter taken by the overlap of the camera lens and eyepiece of the telescope. It was wonderful! -- Janine Neves

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National Trust Centre at Avebury, England
Below are a couple pictures from the September 'opening' in the stables at National Trust Centre at Avebury. Over the month this drew 1000s of visitors. The FETTU images were also shown as a loop Power Point concealed in an Elizabethan Dovecot and were particularly popular. -- Charlie Barclay, Director, Blackett Observatory Marlborough College

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Taipei, Taiwan
We cooperated with Discovery Channel and A.C.I.O. Taipei last November to hold two exhibits, one in our museum and the other one in C.K.S. memorial hall. Dr. David Malin also visited us and gave some talks around Taiwan. We're still exhibiting FETTU to the audience by exhibits and monitors in our museum. We would also try to find some ways to move the exhibits to some schools, to help the students understand our cosmos more. -- Archer Chen

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Andalusia, Spain
Alhambra monumental complex, Granada, Spain
One of the FETTU exhibits in Andalusia, Spain, by RECTA. Partial view of the installation in the crypt of the Palace of the Emperor Charles V, at the Alhambra monumental complex, Granada. (Note: the exhibition at the Alhambra monumental complex, concretely in the Rennaisance masterwork building known as Palace of the Emperor Charles V. It had the advantage of being at the very centre of the Alhambra complex, and the acess to it is free). -- David Galadi-Enriquez (Organizer)

Foto Maldonado (http://www.flickriver.com/photos/maldonado-51/)
Malaga, Spain
FETTU exhibition at the high velocity train station in Malaga, Spain (the station hosts around one million of people transiting per month). In the images you see the impressive size of the station main hall, and how the back-illuminated FETTU panels shine in this ambient. You see also some visitors, and there is the first school visiting the exhibit as well.

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NASA-FETTU Arkansas exhibit, Fayetteville, AR
Many people, students and community members, stopped by the exhibit after seeing it from the bus as they passed by. All of the city busses must drive past the exhibit on route to the main hub which is 100 yards away. This road is for busses only and passes within 10 feet of the exhibit. The city bus system is a free service, provided by the University, for everyone in the community. It carries 1.3 million annually, so with the exhibit out two months a percentage of those people left the bus hub and returned to the exhibit.

The exhibit was also located in between four dormitories and the campus. Students in-route to class also stopped by the exhibit. I estimate 5000 people actually stopped at the exhibit over the two month period of December 2009 and January 2010.

The Braille exhibit was located inside the Space Center along with the posters and postcards.

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Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN
The art curator at Rose-Hulman has taken down our FETTU exhibit. We are both very happy with the exhibit because there was quite a bit of interest in the exhibit from the public and the students at Rose-Hulman. It was not unusual to walk down the exhibit hall and see a group of students pondering one of the pictures.-- Richard Ditteon (Director of the Oakley Observatory)

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Our "Discover the Universe" exhibition has been very successful in Oslo, Norway. We hope it will be equally popular in the new locations. It's very hard to estimate audience size, but it must be some 10,000 people per week, at least.

Photos: Ole Haug

Photos: A. O. Jaunsen

Photos: Rolf Øhman
Two final images of the exhibition in downtown Oslo (outside city hall):

Photos: Silje Bjølseth.

Photos: P. Moe

Photos: T. Slettebø

Photos: H. Dahle

Photos: H. Dahle

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Mulhouse, France
The "Fete de la Science" was a huge success, with more than 5000 people during the week-end, on 21-22 November. The Fettu exhibition at UHA was inaugurated at this time. The exhibition was on show in the Fonderie building till Christmas. It will now move to ENSISA-Werner on 4th January. -- Olivier Haeberle

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Toulouse, France
We hold the FETTU exhibition in Thales Alenia Space Toulouse (France) from November 23rd to December 2nd. The exhibition was shared between the "Comité d'Etablissement" and the company's "cafeteria". -- Emmanuel Sadrin

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Alexandria, Egypt
FETTU exhibit opened at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The exhibit will run until 01 November 2009.

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Moscow, Russia
International exhibition of calligraphy, Moscow, Russia
The FETTU photo-collection will be demonstrated within the framework of the International exhibition of calligraphy. It is scheduled to be held from October 14 to November 14, 2009 in pavilion 7a of the Sokolniki exhibition centre. -- Oleg Vetoshnikov

Crocus Expo Exhibition Center, Moscow, Russia
People, and kids especially, love these images! They stay and look at all those galaxies, star clusters and nebulae. And I would like to sincerely thank you for what you do. FETTU is a really timely and important project and we are proud to represent it in Russia. -- Oleg Vetoshnikov

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Oxford, England
"From Earth to the Universe" visited Oxford University Parks, 29 August - 26 September 2009.

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Brussels, Belgium
This first exposition took place at the Royal Observatory of Belgium in Brussels during its open door's day weekend. The Planetarium opted for an easily movable outdoor exhibition so that the images can be viewed at several outdoor locations, from public parks and fields to town centres.

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Istanbul, Turkey
The FETTU exhibition has been shown at several institutions throughout Istanbul.
Rahmi Koç Museum

Sabancı Üniversity

İTÜ Science Centre

İstanbul Science & Art Centre (BİLSEM)

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Ankara, Turkey
The FETTU exhibition took place at Ankara ANTARES AVM.

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Southern Region of Turkey
The FETTU exhibition took place in the southern region of Turkey, including the following cities: Adana, Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep, Diyarbakır

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Tianjin, China
The exhibition is successful. Dr Jiang Xiaojun, chief engineer of NAOC attended the unveiling ceremony, and Jinwan News reported the exhibition. Almost everyone was attracted at the first sight and then deeply absorbed in the exhibition. They asked a lot about astronomy, telescope and astro-photography. Many people come because of the recommendation of their friends. Some amateur astronomers became volunteer sightsmen. The next site is Tianjin Normal University(Nov 21 - Nov 27). --Qin Yujing

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Olsztyn, Poland
BWA Gallery of Contemporary Art and Olsztyn Planetarium and Astronomical Observatory presented "The Universe from the Earth" exhibit in BWA Gallery Olsztyn, Poland. "The Universe from the Earth" exhibition took place from 6th August to 4th October 2009 in Olsztyn as the important event of International Year of Astronomy in Poland. BWA Gallery of Contemporary Art and Olsztyn Planetarium and Astronomical Observatory hosted the first FETTU exhibition in Poland. At the exhibition one had an opportunity to see 30 images, showing the wonders and beauty of the Universe presented in the form of large-scale prints selected from FETTU images. Another 50 images were displayed in the sequential mode on large screens via multimedia projectors. Visitors really enjoyed the display. Additional images can be seen at the following web address: http://www.planetarium.olsztyn.pl/wystawy/wszechswiat.php --Jacek Szubiakowski

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Buc, France
Exhibition IYA2009 at BUC (Yvelines) France in November: Below are some pictures from our exhibition in Buc Castle. We have received about 1.000 visitors during 9 days. 50 pedagogic notes were available to explain photos.Thanks very much for FETTU pictures which were very appreciated. --Gérard Brochot (Culture et Loisirs de Buc)

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Krakow, Poland
FETTU was shown in the green ring (so called "Planty") around the old town in Cracow from 11 September-28 October 2009. The ribbon cutting ceremony was done by several people: prof. Zdzisław Golda represented Astronomical Observatory of the Jagellonian University, prof. Edwin Wnuk represented Polish Astronomical Society, Jacek Główniak (deputy of the chancellor of the Jagellonian University, who represented the Jagellonian University) and finally Joanna Kozakiewicz (she is a PhD student who did more than 90% of the work!). There were also two special opening days for the public (with presentations in the tent) and we had 450-500 people taking part in those presentations.

Photos: Anna Wojnar

Sofia, Bulgaria
Between March 22nd and April 21st 2010 Astronomical association-Sofia and Sofia Municipality welcome the inhabitants and visitors of the Bulgarian capital in the gardens of the National Theatre, where the exhibition "From the Earth to the Universe" is exposed. This event is a continuation of the program of Astronomical association-Sofia to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy 2009, following its logo "The Universe—yours to discover!". During the opening ceremony, the mayor of Sofia Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova, expressed her support for the amateur astronomers community and wished us all to be gathered soon under the stellar dome of a future planetarium in the capital. This open air exhibition, kindly supported by programme "Culture" of Sofia Municipality, turned into an interactive event. Every curious visitor is very welcome to glimpse at the Moon, Mars or Saturn, through the telescopes of Astronomical association-Sofia, of course when the weather conditions allow it. -- Mariya Lyubenova

These pictures are from the opening of FETTU in Sofia, which happened on October 28 2009 in the Art Gallery in the National Palace of Culture in Sofia. The exhibition continued until November 13th. The exhibition had a HUGE success!!! It gathered more than 200 people on the opening day. In the following 2 weeks we tried to make the exhibition site a real classroom for informal astronomical education, by having popular astronomy talks (~7 per day), showing movies, going out to the city square after 7 pm to observe the Moon, Jupiter and else everything visible on the light-polluted city sky. It was a great reward to see the happy faces of people, who have the chance to glimpse for the first time the Moon craters! Our target group was reached! The Sofia municipality continues to be very interested in FETTU. We expect to reopen the exhibition next year in March, around the Spring equinox, under open skies and have even more people see it for longer time. -- Mariya Lyubenova (on behalf of the FETTU in Sofia organising committee: Boriana Bontcheva, Mariya Lyubenova, Radoslav Marinov - REME-Juniour, Valeri Genkov, Vesselina Kalinova, Velimir Popov, Georgi Latev, Nikola Karavasilev, Nikolai Katcharov, and all the members of Astronomical association - Sofia)

Sliven, Bulgaria
The traveling exhibition "From the Earth to the Universe" visited our city between 9th and 26th March 2010. It gathered more than 900 visitors, most of them school pupils. We would like to especially thank to Astronomical association-Sofia for giving us the possibility to expose these marvellous images, which captured the attention of all visitors, and for delivering free copies of the newspaper "Telescope" and magazine "AndromedA" so everyone could bring a piece of astronomy in their homes. --Diana Kiryakova, Astronomical Observatory at the House of Children, Sliven, Bulgaria

Haskovo, Bulgaria
Following the huge public interest that FETTU invoked in Sofia, the exhibition started its trip throughout Bulgaria. The next stop was in Haskovo, a charming city in the south-east of the country. FETTU there was hosted by the Astronomical observatory at the Youth Center Haskovo during the first two weeks of December. This educational center is targeted primarily at the younger generations. However, the exhibition was also very successful in attracting the attention of their parents and grand parents. -- Joanna Kokotanekova and Cveta Paronova, Astronomical observatory at the Youth Center Haskovo.

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University of Oviedo, Spain
Photos from our exhibition "De la Tierra al Universo" in the University of Oviedo (Spain) -- Itziar Ahedo Raluy
Oviedo campus

Mieres campus

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Lleida, Spain
Below are four photographs of the FETTU exhibition at the IES Escola del Treball.

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Shariaty Technical University, Tehran, Iran
The seminar of "The International Year Of Astronomy" was held in 24th November in Shariaty technical university in Iran. Beside the seminar there was an exhibition of FETTU photos that was held in the passage of a faculty and the beautiness of photos attracted all the professors, students and guests. We had special guests from Sharif, Adiban, Shahre Rey, Qazvin and other universities. Everyone was amazed of FETTU photos. They saw photos with interest and think how beautiful they are. The details of each picture was printed on the buttom of 50×70 cm posters and gave them information. At the end there was an observation with telescopes; jupiter, moon and Andromeda was observed. -- Behnoosh Meskoob

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Ardabil, Iran
More than 5000 people participated in the city of Ardabil. The events took place at the Tomb of Sheikh Safi al-Din and on the main street in the city center.

Photos: Saeid Sedaghat
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Merida, Venezuela
CIDA successfully coordinated the Regional Festival of Astronomy 2009, from Saturday 3 to Saturday 10 of October of 2009 in the facilities of Corpoandes, Merida, Venezuela. Fourteen schools attended. FETTU will be appearing in the future in diverse cities around the country.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina
The exhibition held at Planetario Galileo Galilei (from 18 July to 30 August) recived 20 000 visitors.

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Kanagawa, Japan
FETTU was shown at the Grand Expo celebrating 150th anniversary of the opening of the port of Yokohama (Y150).

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FETTU at Fortaleza Ceara, Brazil
GaeA Grupo de Apoio em Eventos Astronômicos, from September 1-30, 2009, hosted approximately 600 people per week (students and the general public). It has been amazing, many students will try to begin a astronomy club in their schools. More information at gaea-astronomia.blogspot.com and more photos at gaea-eventos.blogspot.com
Colégio Militar de Fortaleza

Colégio Justiniano de Serpa

Colégio da Imaculada Conceição

Colégio São Rafael

Colégio Adventista Paulo Cesar Afonso

Colégio 7 de Setembro
The photos are from the "Paisagens Cósmicas" events that occurred at Colégio 7 de Setembro EBS (27 and 28 August) and Colégio 7 de Setembro NGS (3rd and 4th of September).
Colégio 7 de Setembro EBS

Colégio 7 de Setembro EBS

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Jaragua do Sul, Brazil
See more photos at: www.teatrodasestrelas.com.br/index_arquivos/Paisagenscosmicas.htm

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Igrejinha, Brazil
See more photos at: www.teatrodasestrelas.com.br/index_arquivos/PCIgrejinha.htm

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Monteiro Lobato, Brazil
See more photos at: www.teatrodasestrelas.com.br/index_arquivos/PCMonteiroLobato.htm

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Bragança Paulista, Brazil
See more photos at: www.teatrodasestrelas.com.br/index_arquivos/PCBragançaPaulista.htm

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Lins, Brazil
See more photos at: www.teatrodasestrelas.com.br/index_arquivos/PCLins.htm

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Telêmaco Borba, Brazil
See more photos at: www.teatrodasestrelas.com.br/index_arquivos/PCTelemacoBorba.htm

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Franca, Brazil
See more photos at: www.teatrodasestrelas.com.br/index_arquivos/PCFranca.htm

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Paraiso do Sul, Brazil
See more photos at: www.teatrodasestrelas.com.br/index_arquivos/ParaisodoSul.htm

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Curitiba, Brazil
See more photos at: www.teatrodasestrelas.com.br/index_arquivos/PCCuritiba.htm

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World Space Week-2009, Bangladesh
World Space Week-2009 has been celebrated successfully in Bangladesh with a magnificent closing ceremony that was held at Enayetpur on 9-10 October, 2009. Event details are at www.astronomy2009-bd.org/wsw-2009_celebrated_at_enayetpur.htm. To see additional photos of World Space week, go to www.flickr.com/photos/worldspaceweek/sets/72157622568584664/detail/.

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