Event Photos

Below are some photos and movie clips from FETTU exhibits from around the world.
Check out our Flickr page!
Liverpool, UK
The Albert Dock in Liverpool, UK hosted the first "From the Earth to the Universe" exhibit. This prototype exhibit (displayed from 7-29 June 2008) was the precursor of the wide range of events planned in celebration of the International Year of Astronomy in 2009.

"From Earth to the Universe" was at the RDS in Dublin, as part of the BT Young Scientists and Technology Exhibition, in January 2009.

Photo Credit: Julie Hill
Traveling Exhibit

Click here to see additional photos from the first display of the traveling FETTU exhibit in Ireland.
A special programme of activities was developed to accompany the International Year of Astronomy "From Earth to the Universe" exhibition on display at the Bru na Boinne visitor centre (Newgrange, Ireland's most popular touristic site). There were astronomers to talk to, the Sun in 3-D, telescope displays, solar imaging, astro-art fun workshops run by Dr. Miruna Popescu, and various other fun and interactive exhibits, all these for free. More at http://astronomy2009.ie/gallery/local_events/astronomy_exhibition_at_new/

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Paris, France

Watch a movie clip from the Opening Ceremonies in Paris.
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Puerto Rico
Inaugural IYA2009/FETTU events in Puerto Rico including a mini display of FETTU images about star formation with a Braille guide for each of these images.

The FETTU library exhibit at Biblioteca Néstor M. Rodríguez at the University of Puerto Rico (13 - 17 April).

The Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Roselín Pabón perfomed the concert "The Planets". Each movement was accompanied by the presentation of images of the planets which the public could view on two screens set above the musicians. The selected images included images from the "From Earth to the Universe" (FETTU) cornerstone project and images from diverse NASA missions. The concert took place at the Rafael Mangual Coliseum at the Mayagüez campus of the University of Puerto Rico on Saturday October 10th at 7:00 p.m. Additional photos can be seen at: www.flickr.com/photos/37028095@N07/sets/72157622599138856/

We had our "Life of Stars" exhibit for the event organized by the amateur society "Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico" on May 2, 2009: International Astronomy Day. This event took place at the "Parque de las Ciencias" Bayamón, Puerto Rico. It included talks at the Planetarium, the exhibit of our selection of FETTU images, activities for children and observations with telescopes. About 200 persons attended the event.

San Juan
The FETTU collection "The Life of Stars" is on exhibit at the Polytechnic University at San Juan from August 17-22, 2009. The exhibition was inaugurated with a Conference by Dr. Mayra E. Lebrón Santos entitled "Life of Stars". Additional photos are located on this Flickr site.

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Traveling FETTU in Puerto Rico
We had a successful first exhibition at the Interamerican University at Bayamón, Puerto Rico (November 3 -7, 2009). The event was organized by Prof. Dorcas Torres. The student volunteers helped with the events, serving as guides to the exhibit, distributing materials and as guides at the demonstration tables. Several physics demonstrations were presented with the concepts of waves and light. Special conferences (3) on astronomy were organized. One activity was to draw your favorite image. The public included students from the University, University employees, general visitors, students from local schools, teachers and senior groups (more than 1000 persons). Additional photos can be seen at this Flickr page.

The Traveling FETTU exhibit was displayed at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico (Nov 10, 12-14)(Eugene Francis Hall of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus). Some 700 persons visited the exhibit including teachers, students, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts,college students and professors. The visitors were offered guided tours of the exhibits by Dr. Juan González Lagoa, Prof. Dolores Balzac, Prof. Sandra Troche, and volunteer students from the Society of Physics Students and the amateur society "Sociedad de Astronomia del Caribe". Students from the program "Science on Wheels" presented Science demonstrations and a special exhibit from the Seismic Network of Puerto Rico was presented by their Outreach Staff. 60 Teachers from the Educators Resource Center also visited the FETTU exhibit. Additional photos can be seen at the following address: http://ltp.upr.clu.edu/astrolab/IYA2009/fotos_UPR_Mayaguez.html

The Traveling FETTU exhibit was displayed at Río Piedras, Puerto Rico (Nov 17 - 27, 2009) at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. More than 1000 persons visited the exhibit (students, professors, University employees, school children, and families). Visiting schools were offered guided tours of the exhibit. A "Family Day" took place on Sunday November 22 with guided tours, activities for the children (astronomy puzzles, How to Build a Solar Clock). For the family there was an educational Bingo denominated "A Jugar con Galileo" ("Let's Play with Galileo") and the presentation of the NASA/ESA/ASI movie "Ring World 2" about the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and its moons. On Nov 23-24 the Tactile and Braille Panels were displayed at the library of the School for Blind Children: "Instituto Loaiza Cordero para Niños Ciegos". On Nov 24, Ms. Gloria Isidro made a presentation about the IYA2009 and adapted astronomy materials for students and teachers of the school. Additional photos at: http://ltp.upr.clu.edu/astrolab/IYA2009/fotos_UPR_RP.html.

The University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón became a participant of the International Year of Astronomy, with two concurrent activities: The Exhibition of FETTU collection of Images "Life of the Stars" from 7 to 11 December 2009 at the Mezzanine of the Library. The conference: "Aliens and Extraterrestrial Life" by Dr. Daniel Altschuler, former Director of Arecibo Observatory, and the presentation of his book "Aliens, Humans, Gods and Stars", held on 8 December to 11:30 am, at the facilities of the UPR Bayamón. This Conference attracted the attention of about 100 attendees, including students, teachers and general public. The presence of Chancellor Dr Arturo Aviles González raised the profile of activity. Given the proximity of the Exhibition dates to the dates of final exams there was a large amount of students at the library, so it is estimated that over 2,000 students walked by the images, many looking at them closely. These activities were organized by the Department of Physics, UPR Bayamón, under the direction of Dr. Javier Avalos, Director of the Physics Department and sponsored by the Puerto Rico NASA Space Grant Consortium. Additional photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/37028095@N07/sets/72157622883462771/".

The Bay Centre FETTU exhibit in Canada is now in full swing. In these pictures 7 of the 8 digital displays are visible. Some images are from FETTU, while others are children's art and additional artwork from local and aboriginal artists. In addition, two displays are interactive for zooming and panning around the FETTU images.

See a video of the Bay Centre exhibit.
Children and adults alike enjoyed the FETTU exhibit at The Mayfair Shopping Centre. Seven SONY wide screen TVs exhibited the FETTU images. SONY has been fantastic. In fact we couldn't have done FETTU 1.0 or 2.0 without their support in particular local manager Craig Allan, an amateur astronomy-lover (we discovered later!) himself. To see videos from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada site, go to: http://victoria.rasc.ca/events/iya2009/fettu2.htm -- Natasha van Bentum

FETTU took place at the Bibliotheque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnq) for our exhibition "Virginia" which was presented until October. Virginia has been a great success.

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Cuba, Alabama, and the International Year of Astronomy
Havana, Cuba
We plan a coordinated FETTU exhibition, with the same image selection, on the University of Alabama campus in Tuscaloosa timed to coincide with the opening of a new planetarium and science-outreach center being built in Cuba. An installation of the From Earth to the Universe exhibition will open the new center. A selection of 33 images from the exhibition has been produced and carried to Havana in December 2008. Here we see delivery of the FETTU poster prints being taken by Alvarez and Pepe Vasquez, of the Colegio de San Geronimo.

Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
The University of Alabama's Museum of Natural History announces the opening of "From Earth to the Universe," a photographic exhibit on display in the Museum's Atrium Gallery. This exhibition stretches around the globe. Our installation has the added feature of a research partnership with the new Planetario Habana in Cuba where these prints are on display at the opening of the new planetarium and science-outreach center in Havana. Press announcement: uanews.ua.edu/2009/10/from-earth-to-the-universe-exhibit-opens-at-ua-museum/ View it in Smith Hall on the UA campus, 10 am - 4:30 pm Monday-Saturday through December 23.

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Traveling FETTU in the United States
In the US, FETTU is being sponsored by NASA and will appear in semi-permanent installations in Atlanta and Chicago later this spring. The traveling version of FETTU, stop in Tucson and will then move to Memphis in April. More FETTU locations are being planned across the US and an enhanced schedule is being developed.

From Douglas Isbell (AAS):

From the Tucson Citizen:
Walt Deyo (left) and his sister Mary Ann Deyo look at "From Earth to the Universe," a large-scale astronomy image exhibit at Tucson International Airport. The exhibit will be displayed across the nation and TIA is the first stop.

Copyright: XAVIER GALLEGOS / Tucson Citizen
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Read more about the Memphis exhibit at commercialappeal.com .

Copyright: Jim Weber / The Commercial Appeal

Photos courtesy of Bill Wilson
Local high school students recently visited the FETTU exhibit in Memphis, TN.

Photos courtesy of Bill Wilson
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Hartsfield International airport in Atlanta, GA launched its version of FETTU. The official dedication was May 4th, 2009.

Additional photos from Atlanta Hartsfield Airport

Photos: Stephen Ramsden

Photos: Agnes Scott College Photo Archive
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"From Earth to the Universe" is now open at Chicago's O'Hare airport through the end of 2009. Look for it if you are traveling to or from the city. There are 56 images spanning over 1000 feet.

Photos: José Francisco Salgado / Adler Planetarium

Photo: Chicago Dept of Aviation
Additional FETTU banners outside Adler planetarium in Chicago

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Anchorage, AK
FETTU displayed in the Anchorage AK Egan Center starting in May through June 1. The Egan Center is next to the start of the Anchorage Lightspeed Planet Walk.

The exhibit was at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) and Alaska Pacific University's (APU) consortium library through June 16, 2009. This is the 50th anniversary of Alaska's statehood, and there is another exhibit in the library for this purpose.

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New York, NY: FETTU at the World Science Festival
Washington Square Park of New York City was transformed into a "science wonderland" on Sunday, June 14, 2009 when the World Science Festival Youth and Family Street Fair returned for its second year. This time, the "From Earth to the Universe" astronomical image exhibit was featured in the central area of the park with about 15 double-sided image stands in a circle around a beautiful fountain (good thing the printed images are waterproof, the fountain mist goes far when the wind picks up!). Thousands of kids and their families, dog-walkers and many passers-by enjoyed a day with beautiful astronomy images, non-stop games, and a lot of entertaining activities designed with science themes in mind.

Photos: K. Arcand
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Washington D.C.
The "From Earth to the Universe" exhibition (FETTU) has opened outside the National Air & Space Museum (NASM) in Washington, DC. This display of large-scale astronomical images will be available to the public through the end of July. NASM is planning 2 special tours a day in conjunction with discovery stations and telescopic viewing. Hundreds have already passed by - it is visible from the entrance to the Museum, and also from the street.

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COSI, Columbus, OH
We had an event here a couple of weeks ago - a kind of Astronomy Day - with our COSI Team and The Ohio State University's Astronomy Department, and had a great time. The images are stunning!

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Museum of Science, Boston, MA
FETTU was part of the new traveling Black Hole exhibit that launched at the Boston Museum of Science (MoS) in June 2009 and stayed through September 7 2009. The MoS will next host an outdoor FETTU of 15 all-weather double-sided stands in its brick plaza at the entry way to the museum, through September 27, 2009.

Images from the new FETTU small traveling exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science running this month outside. The exhibit runs from Sept 12-27 in front of the museum.

U Mass-Boston
The outdoor FETTU exhibition at UMass-Boston helps Bostonians explore their place in the cosmos.

Photos: Harry Brett/UMass Boston
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Columbia University, New York, NY
Monday launched a two-week "From Earth to the Universe" exhibit to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy at Columbia University. Through Oct. 12, images of galaxies, nebulae, and other astronomical objects are on the walkway between Butler Library and the sundial in 24 double-sided 3-foot-by-3-foot displays. Due to its outdoor location, the exhibit will be open 24/7 during its first week and then move indoors to another location. More at www.columbiaspectator.com/2009/10/05/astro-art-lives-long-and-prospers

Photo: Phoebe Lytle / Columbia Spectator

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Traveling Braille Exhibit
Washington DC
A tactile and Braille subset of special image stands based on FETTU images and NASA's Touch the Invisible Sky Braille book are being provided to the blind and visually-impaired communities in the US. The tactile exhibit was unveiled at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library in Washington, DC, July 2009.

Center for the Visually Impaired, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
L to R - Chris DePree, Professor of Physics & Astronomy at Agnes Scott College, discusses an exhibit image with Lafayette Wood, former CVI client and member of the CVI Alumni Club. Mr. DePree is a co-investigator on the NASA-funded From the Earth to the Universe project, of which these tactile images are a part. The year 2009 has been declared the International Year of Astronomy by the United Nations in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the telescope.

Photos: Liz Hayes
Additional Photos from the FETTU Tactile exhibit at the Center for the Visually Impaired.

Photos: Liz Hayes
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This FETTU exhibition took place in the central hall of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences from 20 January to 10 February 2009. There were posters dedicated to the astronomical topics studied by researchers of the institute, presented for the general public, and photos and drawings of pupils from the peoples astronomical observatories from different Bulgarian towns. The first photo is of the team that prepared the exhibit: from left to right, D.P.Kirilova, Ljuba Slavcheva, Ivanka Stateva, Valentin Kopchev, Ljuba Vassileva, and down in front Rumen Batchev.) The team hopes the exibition will continue to be presented in other Bulgarian towns through the end of IYA.

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Mendoza, Argentina
Below are some images from the FETTU exhibition in Mendoza, Argentina. It is part of a Digital Art show of 50 artists of Mercosur related to the IYA2009.

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StarPeace "From Earth To The Universe" exhibit in Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf, Iran.
FETTU exhibition along with other activities such as public star parties, astronomy lectures for people, etc. took place in Qeshm as the opening event of International Year of Astronomy in Iran. Geo Park Museum of Qeshm hosts the first FETTU exhibition in Iran. This exhibition was staged from 1 January to 15 March 2009 and contained 20 images from wonders and beauties of the Universe. Qeshm Island local inhabitants are among the poorest and least educated people of Iran. Seeing the beauties of the universe and reading scripts or listening to the descriptions with simple examples of our ordinary life to demonstrate the hugeness of the universe brought them joy and excitement.

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University of Exeter, UK exhibit
Our first mini FETTU exhibition at our IYA Open Evening (Weds Apr 1) was a great success. 250 people came to see the images as well as a public talk by astronomy author Ian Ridpath and a range of activities and demonstrations by Astrophysics Group members. We are now working to take the exhibition, or subsets of it, out to other venues including other IYA events in the southwest. Next viewing: Pinkery outdoor centre, Exmoor National Park, Sat Apr 4th.

Photo Credit: Dr. Jennifer Hatchell

Photo Credit: Dr. Alasdair Allen
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Madison, Wisconsin
On April 4, 2009, Laura Trouille and colleagues from UW-Madison put on the first of many IYA 'From Earth to the Universe' exhibits in Wisconsin. This one was in conjunction with the Science Expeditions (interactive science activities for families) on the UW-Madison campus. It was a huge success, with hundreds of families looking through the exhibit, completing a scavenger hunt, and going home with a poster of the GLIMPSE survey of the disk of our Milky Way (research done here at UW).

Photo Credit: Laura Trouille
The end of July Farmer's Market outdoor Exhibit around Madison's Capitol Square.

Additional images from UW-Madison

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Córdoba Observatory, Argentina
The first of the exhibitions we had planned was held within the "100 hours of Astronomy" event. It was an absolute success. People kept being amazed when looking at the images, comparing the different scales of objects in the universe and realizing how small the Earth is compared to other objects. More than 5000 people were at the Córdoba Observatory during 2 to 5 April. We have a blog of the event and are planning to take the exhibition through other places in Córdoba.

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The Danish version of FETTU opened in the city of Roskilde. The official opening takes place at the Town Hall Square in the Centre of Copenhagen by the Danish minister of research and then it will move around Denmark at least until November. You can have a look at the 38 images chosen and the captions printed on the 1 meter by 1 meter posters at the Danish IYA09 web site.

Photo Credit: Henning Høst Olsen

Photo Credit: Camilla Bacher Kiming
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"From Earth to the Universe" visited Glasgow Science Centre, 19 Feb - 23 Mar 2009. Click here to see additional photos from Glasgow.

Photo Credit: Steve Owens
"From Earth to the Universe" visits St Andrew Square, Edinburgh as part of the Edinburgh International Science Festival.

FETTU Digital is on display on three large screens at the Main Library of University of Edinburgh, from November 2009-2010.

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Belfast, Ireland
Some images of the Belfast City Hall FETTU exhibition taken by Dr. Andy Newsam during his astronomy talk tour. We are pleased that people are really enjoying the display.

Photos: Dr. Andy Newsam
Additional images from Belfast, Ireland

Photos: Jonathan Bingham
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In Portugal organizers are putting FETTU in numerous non-traditional places. They have convinced around 20 or 30 cities so far and also many institutions like schools, shopping centers, etc. Below are some sample photos. See additional photos here.
Escola EB 2,3 do Forte da Casa, Alexandra Olival


FETTU at a prison in Coimbra, Portugal. The stars can also shine inside the prison walls.

Escola Secundária da Moita

Centro Multimeios de Espinho

SATUO (Sistema Automático de Transporte Urbano de Oeiras)

Porto, Portugal

Image from Google Street View

The Azores
See additional photos from The Azores.

Santo António dos Cavaleiros, Portugal
We had the FETTU exhibition at our school (23-30 April). It was viewed by our 750 pupils and some guests. We arranged for the photos to be on display on a mall near the school mid May and at a public library in the nearby town Loures end May-June. It may continue to another school in September.

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The Azores



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Khoy, Iran
Astronomy Day in the park of Golestan in Khoy, Iran. We printed 20 pictures and will continue to exhibit the pictures in the parks of the city.

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Ticino, Switzerland
Centro Lugano Sud
"From Earth to the Universe" is taking place all over Switzerland during 2009. In Ticino, it can be seen in many different locations: Centro Lugano Sud, Orselina, Festival Basecamp09, Castagnola Science Center and in various highschools of the canton. See photos below from these various locations. See more photos here.



Locarno Monti

FETTU in the High School "Liceo di Mendrisio"

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